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Student Resources
Student Accident Insurance
Who is covered: All eligible and enrolled students of Rowan-Cabarrus Community College.
While participating in scheduled, sponsored, and supervised activities of Rowan-Cabarrus Community College. Policy does not provide coverage, fatal or non-fatal, incurred for or resulting from participating in team sports or other athletic activities.
- Accidental Death & Dismemberment: $2,500.00
- Primary Accident Medical Expense: $20,000.00 maximum per accident
- Deductible: $0.00
- Accident Dental Expense: $500.00 maximum per accident
- $100.00 maximum per tooth
- Aggregate Limit of Liability: $100,000.00
Rate Per Student Per Semester: $2.43
Accidental Death & Dismemberment
If injury to the Insured Person shall result in the death or any one of the losses specified below within 90 days of the date of the covered accident, the Company will then pay the Accidental Death benefit or the Accidental Dismemberment benefit, whichever applies.
Table of Losses
Description of Loss Indemnity
- Life – 100%
- Two Hands, Two Feet or the Sight of Both Eyes – 300%
- One Hand and One Foot – 300%
- One Hand and the Sight of One Eye – 300%
- One Foot and the Sight of One Eye – 300%
- One Hand, One Foot or the Sight of One Eye – 140%
The term “Loss” as used herein shall mean with regard to hands and feet, actual severance through or above the wrist or ankle joints; with regard to eyes, entire irrevocable loss of sight; with regard to thumb and index finger, severance through or above the metacarpophalangeal joint.
Accidental Medical Expenses
If “injury” shall require, within 90 days of the date of the accident, the services of a legally qualified physician, surgeon, osteopath, dentist, or graduate nurse, hospital confinement, ambulance service, use of operating room, anesthetic (including the administration thereof), x-ray examinations or treatments, laboratory tests, and if prescribed by the Insured Person’s physician, drugs, medicines, or any other therapeutic services, and supplies, the Company will pay the expenses actually incurred after satisfaction of the deductible, if any, as stated in the master application, for such services, treatment or supplies received by the Insured Person within the 52 consecutive weeks after the date of accident, up to the Maximum Medical Expense Amount stated in the Benefit Schedule as the result of any one accident.
The Plan does not cover any loss, fatal or non-fatal, caused by or resulting from the following:
- Suicide or any attempted threat by the Insured Person while sane or self-destructive or any attempted threat by the Insured Person while insane (in Missouri, while sane); or
- Infections except pyogenic infections caused wholly by a covered injury; or
- War or any act of war, or accident occurring while the Insured Person is in the military, naval or air service of any country (any premium paid to the Company for any period not covered by this Policy while the Insured Person is in such service will be returned prorata); or
- Accident occurring while the Insured Person is operating, or learning to operate, or performing duties as a member of the crew of any aircraft; or
- Dental treatment, except as a result of injury to sound natural teeth as provided by the Master Application; or
- Replacement of eyeglasses or eye examinations for the correction of vision or fitting of glasses unless an injury has caused impairment of sight; or
- Injury for which the Insured Person is entitled to benefits under any Workers’ Compensation Act or Law or any similar legislation; or
- Participating in team sports or other athletic activities; or
- Hernia of any kind; or
- The Insured’s being intoxicated or under the influence of any narcotic unless administered on the advice of a physician.
This explanation of benefits summarizes the principal features of this Group Accident Plan. In all instances, the provisions of the Master Policy will govern.